Thursday, October 27, 2016

Invasive Species Work

What an amazing journey we have been on! We have been learning about invasive species and how they affect the balance of an ecosystem.  Right before break we learned what balance met and did a few activities to help bring this concept to life.

After returning from break, we began to meet with our experts to learn about certain invasive weeds affecting Colorado. Fire Marshal Randy Johnson taught us how to identify some of these weeds and we went out to the field right here at Fox Creek to see what we could find. The students were stunned by the number of invasive plants right in our own backyard!

From there we went to do our field work and service learning at the outdoor education center. We mapped where they were had invasive species and which ones were present on the first day.

The second day we spent removing as many of the plants as we could.

The kids were so excited with the difference that they were able to make in just a couple of days. Thank you to everyone who helped provide equipment, transportation, and any other support. A special thanks to the outdoor ed staff, Fire Marshall Randy Johnson, and Shawn Wissel for your expertise and guidance throughout this expedition.